Efficacy Analysis of Functional Exercise Video Education Combined with Feedback Teaching in Elderly Patients after Total Hip Arthroplasty
中文关键词: 老年全髋关节置换术  功能锻炼视频宣教  回馈教学
英文关键词: Total hip arthroplasty in the elderly  Functional exercise video education  Feedback teaching
李德香 深圳大学总医院关节创伤科 
摘要点击次数: 377
全文下载次数: 202
      Objective: To study the effect of functional exercise video education combined with feedback teaching in elderly patients after total hip arthroplasty. Methods: From October 2019 to August 2020, 68 elderly patients with total hip arthroplasty were selected as the research objects, and they were divided into group A and group B by random number table method, with 34 cases in each group. After operation, Group A adopted routine health education and group B adopted functional exercise video education combined with feedback teaching intervention after operation. The functional recovery, training compliance, and complications were compared between the two groups. Results: One month after discharge, Harris score and Barthel index score of group B were higher than those of group A (P<0.05); training compliance of group B was 97.06%, higher than 82.35% of group A (P<0.05); the total incidence of complications of group B was 14.71%, lower than 35.29% of group A (P<0.05). Conclusion: Functional exercise video education combined with feedback teaching can promote the recovery of elderly patients after total hip arthroplasty, improve their ability of daily living, increase their training compliance, and reduce complications.
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