中文关键词: 脾气虚  脾阳虚  脾阴虚  舌诊  客观分析
英文关键词: Spleen qi deficiency  Spleen yang deficiency  Spleen yin deficiency  Tongue diagnosis  Objective analysis
刘瑜,刘欣欣,李莲,黄琳,黄晓超 江西省赣州市中医院 
摘要点击次数: 144
全文下载次数: 86
      Objective: To analyze the tongue image information parameters of spleen qi deficiency syndrome, spleen yang deficiency syndrome and spleen yin deficiency syndrome, and to explore the objective, quantitative and standardized research ideas and methods of the diagnostic criteria of spleen deficiency syndrome. Methods: The tongue image acquisition system was used to collect the tongue image samples of spleen qi deficiency, spleen yang deficiency, spleen yin deficiency and healthy people in the physical examination population, 30 cases in each group, and the tongue image information parameters were analyzed. The differences of tongue image information parameters such as tongue color, tongue quality, fur color and fur quality were compared. Results: There was no significant difference in tongue color a value, tongue color b value and moss color b value between the groups (P > 0.05). The tongue color L value of the spleen yang deficiency group was the largest, and the moss color a value of the spleen yin deficiency group was the largest. Compared with the tongue and coating, the spleen yang deficiency group and the spleen qi deficiency group had more tongue body fat with tooth marks, the healthy group had more tongue body moderate and less tooth marks, while the spleen yin deficiency group had more tongue body lean with cracks. Comparing the distribution of tongue coating, the spleen yang deficiency group was more common in the thick and greasy coating, and the spleen yin deficiency group was more common in the less coating. Conclusion: This study preliminarily verified that the quantitative analysis of tongue feature information collection can be used as a quantitative reference index for the differential diagnosis of spleen deficiency syndromes such asspleen qi deficiency, spleen yang deficiency and spleen yin deficiency, which has certain application value for assisting clinical diagnosis and treatment.
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