Analysis of Platelet donation in Nanchang from 2018 to 2022
投稿时间:2023-06-12  修订日期:2023-06-27
中文关键词: 单采血小板  献血分析  安全
英文关键词: Plateletpheresis donor  Blood donation analysis  Safety
余航 江西省血液中心 258468839@qq.com 
欧阳江 江西省血液中心  
刘洪华 江西省血液中心  
孙瑜* 江西省血液中心 maggiesy1106@126.com 
摘要点击次数: 183
全文下载次数: 105
      目的 分析2018-2022年南昌地区单采血小板献血者年龄、性别、职业、献血量变化等特征,为发展本地区单采血小板固定献血队伍提供依据,保障临床供血安全。 方法 收集2018-2022年江西省血液中心血站信息管理系统中单采血小板捐献信息,分年度统计献血人次、年龄、性别、职业、献血量、户籍、献血次数、二次献血占比,并进行比较。 结果 2018-2022年,南昌地区单采血小板捐献人次呈前增后降变化态势,2021年最多,达9662人次;年龄分布上,35岁及以上年龄段单采血小板献血者人次占比达到61.78%后逐步下降,最低至48.70%。18-24岁年龄段单采血小板献血者人次占比由18.35%开始逐步增高,最高至32.71%;男性是主要的单采血小板献血人群,占年度总献血人次77.61%~78.40%;登记职业为其他的人群是主要单采献血人群,占年度总献血人次43.71%-51.56%;单次捐献2U血小板人次比例持续增长,最高达82.03%;年度内献血1次人数占比较高,最高至66.42%;首次单采血小板献血者年度内二次献血比例较低,最高仅为21.48%。 结论 2018-2022年间,南昌地区单采血小板献血事业取得了一定发展,但基础不够牢固,应对风险能力不足。在后疫情时代,应针对本地区单采血小板献血者以年轻人、男性、其它类职业为主的特点,制定定向招募政策;应开发不定期单采血小板献血者、首次单采血小板献血者二次招募动员专项策略,提升二次献血率;应积极贯彻落实全流程优质服务理念,增强献血者粘性;应组建好应急单采献血队伍并定期更新,并确保应急单采献血队伍能联系、能响应以加强应急保障潜力。通过一系列举措,有效组建并扩大本地区单采血小板固定献血者队伍,夯实单采血小板献血事业发展基础,保障地区单采血小板临床供血安全。
      Objective The changes of age, sex, occupation and blood donation volume of platelet donors in Nanchang from 2018 to 2022 were analyzed in order to provide a basis for the development of fixed platelet donors team and ensure the safety of clinical blood supply. Methods The information of platelet donation was collected from the information management system of blood station of Jiangxi Blood Center from 2018 to 2022, and the annual statistics of blood donation person-times, age, sex, occupation, amount of blood donation, household registration, times of blood donation and the proportion of secondary blood donation were made. Results From 2018 to 2022, the number of single platelet donation in Nanchang increased before and then decreased, with the highest in 2021, reaching 9662. In terms of age distribution, the proportion of platelet donors aged 35 and above decreased gradually after reaching 61.78%, and the lowest was 48.70%..?The proportion of platelet donors in the 18-24 age group gradually increased from 18.35% to 32.71%. Men were the main platelet donors, accounting for 77.61%-78.40% of the total annual blood donors. Registered occupations for other groups are the main platelet donors, accounting for 43.71% of the total annual blood donation, accounting for 43.71% of the total number of blood donors, and the proportion of 2U platelet donation continues to increase, up to 82.03%.?The number of people donating blood once in the year is relatively high, up to 66.42%; and the proportion of second blood donation in the year of the first platelet donor is relatively low, the highest is only 21.48%. Conclusion From 2018 to 2022, the cause of single platelet collection and blood donation in Nanchang has made some development, but the foundation is not solid enough and the ability to cope with risks is insufficient.?In the post-epidemic era, targeted recruitment policies should be formulated according to the characteristics of young people, men and other occupations among platelet donors in this area. special strategies for the second recruitment and mobilization of platelet donors from irregular periods and for the first time should be developed to improve the secondary blood donation rate, and the concept of high-quality service in the whole process should be actively implemented to enhance the stickiness of blood donors.?The emergency blood donation team should be set up and updated regularly, and ensure that the emergency blood donation team can contact and respond to strengthen the emergency guarantee potential.?Through a series of measures, effectively set up and expand the team of fixed blood donors in this area, consolidate the foundation of the development of platelet donation, and ensure the safety of clinical blood supply.
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