王 超,姜 姗,龚志翔,王丽萍.目视化管理模式在中医治疗室医院感染管理中的应用[J].实用中西医结合临床,2023,23(19):
Application of Visual Management Mode in Hospital Infection Management in Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment Rooms
投稿时间:2023-06-05  修订日期:2023-07-10
中文关键词: [关 键 词]目视化标识管理模式  中医治疗室  医院感染管理  应用
英文关键词: Visual identification management mode  Traditional Chinese medicine treatment room  Hospital infection management  Application.
基金项目:] 江西省中医药科研课题“目视化管理模式在中医治疗室医院感染管理中的应用”(2020B0167)
王 超* 江西省中西医结合医院 13603484@qq.com 
姜 姗 江西省中西医结合医院  
龚志翔 江西省中西医结合医院  
王丽萍 江西省中西医结合医院  
摘要点击次数: 352
全文下载次数: 132
      [] 目的: 分析目视化管理模式在中医治疗室医院感染管理中的应用效果。方法: 选取某三级甲等中西医结合医院中医治疗室,2020年10月1日—2021年4月30日为干预前,采取常规管理方法中医治疗室按原有方法管理,2021年5月1日—10月31日为干预后,中医治疗室采用目视化管理模式对中医治疗室进行管理。运用《中医治疗室院内感染质控检查表》质控结果及环境微生物监测结果来比较干预前后差异。比较干预前后医院感染管理质控检查结果及环境微生物微生物监测结果。结果: 实施目视化管理模式后,院内感染质量与控制措施检查的工作人员无菌技术无菌操作技术操作、各项消毒隔离措施、工作人员手卫生、职业暴露处理及医疗废弃物收集管理管理各项检查项目的评分均高于干预前,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.01) ,运用目视化标识管理模式后,环境微生物监测合格率( 82.47% ) 高于干预前合格率( 48.85% ) ,差异有统计学意义( χ2 =28.93,P=<0.01) ,其中干预后工作人员卫生手、中医治疗物品表面微生物监测合格率均高于干预前,差异均有统计学意义(均P< 0.05) 。结论: 实施目视化管理模式后能够显著提升中医治疗室医院感染管理工作质量显著提升,强化中医治疗室内工作人员医院感染防控意识,从而进一步降低医院内感染发生概率。
      Objective To analyze the effectiveness of visual management mode in the management of hospital infection in traditional Chinese medicine treatment rooms.Methods A traditional Chinese medicine treatment room in a tertiary hospital of traditional Chinese and Western medicine was selected. The period from October 1, 2020 to April 30, 2021 was the pre-intervention period, during which traditional management methods were adopted. The period from May 1, 2021 to October 31, 2021 was the post-intervention period, during which visual management mode was implemented in the traditional Chinese medicine treatment room. The results of hospital infection management quality inspection and environmental hygiene monitoring before and after the intervention were compared.Results After the implementation of visual management mode, the scores of hand hygiene, disinfection and isolation, aseptic operation, medical waste, and occupational exposure in the hospital infection prevention and control quality inspection were higher than those before the intervention, and the differences were statistically significant (all P < 0.01). After the implementation of visual identification management mode, the pass rate of environmental hygiene monitoring (82.47%) was higher than that before the intervention (48.85%), and the difference was statistically significant (χ2 = 28.93, P < 0.01). Among them, the pass rates of surface of traditional Chinese medicine items and healthcare workers" hand hygiene were higher after the intervention than before, and the differences were statistically significant (all P < 0.05).Conclusion The application of visual management mode can significantly improve the quality of hospital infection management in traditional Chinese medicine treatment rooms, strengthen the awareness of infection control among medical staff, and further reduce the risk of hospital infection.
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