Study on the effect of saltpeter Huasheng Decoction fumigation and washing on wound healing, pain degree and serum inflammatory factors after complex anal fistula
投稿时间:2023-01-06  修订日期:2023-02-14
中文关键词: 复杂性肛瘘  手术  硝石化生汤  熏洗  疗效  创面愈合  肛门功能
英文关键词: Complex anal fistula  Surgery  Saltpeter chemical soup  Fumigation  Curative effect  Wound healing  The anus function
罗琪明* 射洪市中医院 aiyyyacome@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 454
全文下载次数: 140
      目的 观察硝石化生汤熏洗对复杂性肛瘘术后创面愈合、疼痛程度、血清炎症因子影响。方法 将射洪市中医院及遂宁市中心医院、遂宁市中医院收治的270例复杂性肛瘘手术病人(2021年1月~2021年11月)纳入本次研究,将病人以随机数字表法分为两组,各组135例,对照组病人术后常规应用抗生素及止血手段等治疗,观察组病人则另外加用硝石化生汤实施熏洗方式治疗,数据观察:临床方面的疗效、中医证候总积分的改变、治疗后创面愈合的具体时长及肛门失禁的wexner评分、术后3d及7d、10d病人疼痛评分(视觉模拟疼痛评分法,VAS)情况、术后并发症、治疗之前和之后血清内的白介素6(IL-6)、IL-2及肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)等相关的炎症因子浓度水平改变情况。结果 观察组病人治疗总有效率(98.52%)比对照组病人(92.59%)更高(p<0.05);观察组病人治疗后创面愈合时间短于对照组,肛门失禁wexner评分低于对照组(p<0.05);观察组换病人术后并发症率(1.48%)低于对照组病人(6.67%)(p<0.05);术后3d及7d、10d观察组病人VAS评分均低于对照组(p<0.05);治疗前,两组病人中医证候总积分、IL-6、IL-2、TNF-α浓度水平比较(p<0.05),各组病人治疗后中医证候总积分、IL-6、IL-2、TNF-α浓度水平均改善,观察组病人治疗后中医证候总积分、IL-6、IL-2、TNF-α水平优于对照组(p<0.05)。结论 硝石化生汤熏洗可提升复杂性肛瘘手术病人临床的疗效,缓解病人手术结束后的疼痛,降低病人血清内的炎症因子浓度水平及并发症,病人术后创面愈合快,肛门的功能恢复比较好,值得应用。
      Objective To observe the effects of saltpeter Huasheng decoction fumigation and washing on wound healing, pain degree and serum inflammatory factors after complex anal fistula.Methods 270 cases of complicated anal fistula patients admitted to Shehong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Suining Central Hospital and Suining Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine from January 2021 to November 2021 were included in this study. The invalids were divided into 2 groups by random number table method,each group included 135 cases, and the control group was routinely treated with antibiotics and hemostatic therapy after surgery. On the basis of treatment in control group, patients in the observation group were treated by fumigation and washing with saltpeter Huasheng Decoction. Data observation: Clinical efficacy, changes of total score of TCM syndromes before and after treatment, wound healing time after treatment and Wexner score of anal incontinence, pain score of patients at 3d, 7d and 10d after surgery (visual analogue pain score, VAS), postoperative complications, serum interleukin-2 (IL-2), interleukin6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) levels before and after treatment.Results The total effective rate of observation group (98.52%) was higher than control group (92.59%) (P<0.05); The wound healing time in observation group was shorter than control group, and the Wexner score of anal incontinence was lower than that in control group (P<0.05); The rate of postoperative complications in the observation group (1.48%) was lower than control group (6.67%) (P<0.05); VAS score of observation group was lower than control group at 3d, 7d and 10d after surgery (P<0.05); Before treatment, the total TCM syndrome score, IL-2, IL-6 and TNF-α levels in 2 groups were compared (P<0.05); after treatment, the total TCM syndrome score, IL-2, IL-6 and TNF-α levels in 3 groups were improved; the total TCM syndrome score, IL-2, IL-6 and TNF-α levels in observation group were better than control group (P<0.05).Conclusion The fumigation and washing of saltpeter Huasheng Decoction can improve the clinical efficacy of invalids undergoing complicated anal fistula surgery, relieve postoperative pain, reduce serum inflammatory factors and complications, and the anal function of patients recovered well after surgery, and the wound healed quickly, which is worthy of application.
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