Treatment of ureteral calculi with rigid ureteroscopic lithotripsy
投稿时间:2021-06-21  修订日期:2021-07-28
中文关键词: 输尿管结石  治疗  输尿管镜  碎石
英文关键词: ureteral calculi  treatment  ureteroscopy  lithotripsy
邹永平* 上海市徐汇区大华医院泌尿外科上海 yongpingzou@163.com 
王国政 上海市徐汇区大华医院泌尿外科上海  
汪雪 上海市徐汇区大华医院泌尿外科上海  
羊继平 上海市徐汇区大华医院泌尿外科上海  
摘要点击次数: 412
全文下载次数: 201
      目的: 总结输尿管硬镜手术治疗输尿管结石的经验。方法: 回顾分析输尿管硬镜手术治疗输尿管结石435例,其中结石位于输尿管上段217例、中段26例、下段168例,多段多发结石24例。结石长径5mm~20mm,采用钬激光碎石,部分输尿管上段结石手术时联合使用拦截网篮。结果: 输尿管镜成功进镜完成碎石者406例(占93.3%),术后1月清石387例(占89.0%); 76例输尿管上段结石手术时联合使用拦截网篮结石上移至肾盂6例(占7.9%),141例没有联合使用拦截网篮者结石上移至肾盂25例(占17.7%);术后出现输尿管狭窄6例(占1.4%), 出现尿脓毒血症者7例(占1.6%);无输尿管撕脱、断裂等严重并发症,无围手术期死亡。结论: 合理掌握适应症、防治尿路感染、术中谨慎规范操作等方面注意后输尿管硬镜手术治疗输尿管结石能达到安全、有效的效果。
      Treatment of ureteral calculi with rigid ureteroscopic lithotripsy ZOU Yongping WANG Guozheng WANG Xue YANG Jiping Deparment of Urology, Xuhui District Dahua Hospital of Shanghai City, Shanghai, 200237, China Abstract Objective: To report experience in the treatment of ureteral calculi with rigid ureterosopic lithotripsy. Method: 435 cases of ureteral calculi treated with ureterosopic lithotripsy were evaluated, including 217 cases of upper ureteral calculi, 26 cases of middle ureteral calculi, 168 cases of distal ureteral calculi and 24 cases of multiple calculi at different segmental ureters , diameters of stones were 5mm~20mm, holmium laser was used for lithotripsy , basket device was occasionally used for preventing upper ureteral calculi from retrograding to renal pelvis. Result: 406 cases were successfully operated using ureteroscopic lithotripsy with accounting for 93.3% of all cases, 387 cases were stone free and the stone free rate was 89.0% 1month postoperatively, the percentage of upper ureretal calculi retrograding to renal pelvis was 7.9% in the cases combined with basket device, whereas it is 17.7% in the cases not combined with basket device, 6 cases (1.4%) of ureteral stricture and 7 cases(1.6%) of urosepsis were observed postoperatively, no major complications such as ureteral avulsion and rupture were happened. No mortality was happened. Conclusion: Taking care such as emphasis on operational indication, careful manipulation of ureteroscopic procedure and proper treatment of urinary infection could lead to safe and effective result during treatment of ureteral calculi with rigid ureteroscopic lithotripsy. Key words ureteral calculi; treatment; ureteroscopy; lithotripsy
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