nalysis of the Characteristics of Acupoints Selection on Moxibustion Treatment for Patients with Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia during the Recovery Period Based on Data Mining Technology
中文关键词: 新型冠状病毒肺炎  恢复期  数据挖掘技术  艾灸  选穴
英文关键词: New coronavirus pneumonia  Recovery period  Data mining technology  Moxibustion treatment  Acupoints selection
唐鸣锶,胡卫武,方萍,潘晓彦,张勇 湖南中医药大学东塘校区2018级硕士研究生湖南省常德市第一中医医院 
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      目的:基于数据挖掘技术统计分析新冠肺炎恢复期艾灸组方规律及选穴特点。方法:检索中国生物医学文献数据库、中国期刊全文数据库、维普期刊全文数据库和PubMed数据库,系统收集了2020年7月31日前发表的关于新型冠状病毒肺炎恢复期艾灸诊疗方案,并建立了艾灸处方数据库,采用数据分析软件SPSS24.0、SPSS Modeler、Excel对数据进行分析处理,总结证型频次、穴位频次、穴位归经、艾灸方式、特定穴频次、经穴分布规律,分析关联规则。结果:本研究共纳入新型冠状病毒肺炎恢复期艾灸处方30首,共涉及证型3种,分别是肺脾气虚证、肺胃阴虚证、气阴两虚证;共涉及穴位31个,高频穴位6个;穴位主要归于膀胱经、任脉、督脉、胃经、脾经、大肠经、肺经;温和类艾灸方式出现的频次较高,占艾灸方式比为94.74%,而强刺激类艾灸方式出现的频次较少,占5.26%;特定穴占经穴比为74.19%,其中交会穴频次为60次,背俞穴频次为25次,五腧穴频次为24次,募穴频次为31次;四肢部穴数为11个(35.48%),躯干部穴数为17个(54.84%)。通过关联分析、聚类分析、复杂网络分析得出核心穴位组合为神阙、中脘、肺俞、关元、大椎、足三里。结论:新型冠状病毒肺炎恢复期艾灸治疗的核心穴位组合为神阙、中脘、肺俞、关元、大椎、足三里。对恢复期艾灸穴位进行共性探讨,在共性穴位基础上辨证论治,可使患者更快恢复,更早回归社会。
      Objective: To analyze the characteristics of acupoints selection on moxibustion treatment for patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia during the recovery period based on data mining technology. Methods: We searched the Chinese Biological Medical Database, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, VIP Database for Chinese Technical Periodicals and PubMed Database, and collected the moxibustion diagnosis treatment plan for the recovery period of new coronary pneumonia published before July 31, 2020 systematically. Then the moxibustion prescription database was established, we analyzed and processed the data based on data analysis software SPSS24.0, SPSS Modeler, and Excel, summarized the frequency of syndrome types, frequency of acupoints, return of acupoints, moxibustion methods, frequency of specific acupoints, distribution and analyzed of acupoints association rules. Results: This study included a total of 30 moxibustion prescriptions for patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia in the recovery period, involved 3 types of syndromes, mainly the syndrome of deficiency of lung and spleen qi, deficiency of lung and stomach, and deficiency of both qi and yin. A total of 31 acupoints and 6 high-frequency acupoints were involved; acupoints were mainly attributed to the Bladder Meridian, Ren Meridian, Du Meridian, Stomach Meridian, Spleen Meridian, Large Intestine Meridian, and Lung Meridian. Mild moxibustion appeared more frequently, accounted for 94.74% of the moxibustion method, while the strong stimulation moxibustion appeared less, accounted for 5.26%; specific acupoints accounted for 74.19% of meridian points, of which the frequency of Jiaohui acupoint was 60 times, the frequency of Backshu acupoint was 25 times, the frequency of Wuzhen acupoint was 24 times, and the frequency of Mu acupoint was 31 times. The number of acupoints in limbs was 11 (35.48%), and that in trunk was 17 (54.84%). By using correlation analysis, cluster analysis, and complex network analysis, we inferred the core acupoint combinations were Shenque, Zhongwan, Feishu, Guanyuan, Dazhui. Conclusion: Core acupoint combination of Moxibustion for novel coronavirus pneumonia during recovery period were Shenque, Zhongwan, Feishu, Guanyuan, Dazhui. Based on the common acupoints, the patients recovered faster and returned to society earlier. To explore the common points of Moxibustion in the recovery period, based on syndrome differentiation and treatment of common points, can make patients recover faster and return to society earlier.
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