杨静,金翠香,王雅琴.杨静 金翠香* 王雅琴[J].实用中西医结合临床,2021,21(14):
杨静 金翠香* 王雅琴
Fasting Plasma Glucose Analysis of Physical Examination For University Staff And Health Intervention Strategy
投稿时间:2021-04-25  修订日期:2021-05-24
中文关键词: 高校教职工  空腹血糖  健康干预
英文关键词: university staff  fasting plasma glucose  health intervention
杨静 山东大学校医院 yangjingsdu@163.com 
金翠香* 山东大学校医院 jincuixiang@sdu.edu.cn 
王雅琴 山东大学校医院  
摘要点击次数: 398
全文下载次数: 129
      目的 提高针对高校教职工预防糖尿病及其并发症的健康干预成效。 方法 通过对山东大学在职教职工2013年至2019年7年间4次健康查体的空腹血糖(FPG)检测结果及健康干预方式进行回顾性分析,比较7年间高血糖发病的动态变化及不同人群发病特点,评价定期查体及针对检测结果进行健康干预的效果,探讨干预措施的改进途径。结果 定期查体及针对检测结果进行健康干预可有效降低高校教职工高血糖发病率,但针对后勤工人、更年期女性、体重指数超标及有相关疾病家族史等特殊人群的干预未引起足够重视。 结论 需要针对重点人群,实施更加有效的干预措施。
      Yang jing,jin cuixiang*,Wang yaqin. Shandong University Hospital (Jinan 250002,China) : Objective To improve the effectiveness of health interventions in the prevention of diabetes and its complications especially of teaching and administrative staff in university . Methods By retrospectively analysing the methods of health interventions and the test results of Fasting Plasma Glucose (FPG) from the 4 health checks conducted in 7 years between 2013 and 2019 for teaching and administrative staff in campus of Shandong University. Also, by comparing the hyperglycemia incidence,dynamic changes and different incidence characteristics of different people, evaluate periodic physical examination and carry out health interventions based on the results. Moreover,explore ways to improve health interventions. Results Regular physical examination and carrying out of health interventions based on the examination results can effectively reduce the risk of the working staff of getting hyperglycemia, but for logistical workers, menopausal women, people with excessive body mass and family history of relevant disease or other special populations,intervention did not cause enough attention. Conclusion Need to implement more effective intervention measures specifically to the focus groups.
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