Analysis of complications and related influencing factors after Lichtenstein
投稿时间:2021-04-25  修订日期:2021-05-27
中文关键词: Lichtenstein平片疝修补术  影响因素  疝囊  腹股沟疝
英文关键词: Lichtenstein flat hernioplasty  influencing factors  hernia sac  inguinal hernia
孔徳生* 汤阴县人民医院普外科河南 汤阴 456150 mjpengjiam@163.com 
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      目的:研究Lichtenstein平片疝修补术治疗老年复发性腹股沟疝术后并发症及相关影响因素。方法:本研究以我院于2018年1月至2020年12月期间住院治疗的120例老年复发性腹股沟疝患者;将以上患者随机分为观察组(n=62,Lichtenstein平片疝修补术)和对照组(n=58 Rutkow无张力疝修补术),比较两组患者的围手术期指标,分析造成并发症的影响因素。结果:观察组住院时间、手术时间、术后疼痛持续时间、术后下床时间显著低于对照组(P<0.05);观察组患者的术后尿潴留、伤口感染、阴囊血肿、疼痛情况显著低于对照组(P<0.05);不同体重指数、疾病分级、疝囊大小以及疝环黏连程度的患者的间的差异存在统计学意义(P<0.05);体重指数、疾病分级、疝囊大小以及疝环黏连程度均为造成患者术后并发症的独立危险因素。结论:老年复发性腹股沟疝采用Lichtenstein平片疝修补术治疗效果显著,并发症较小,在手术过程中建议对患者的体重指数、疾病分级、疝囊大小以及疝环黏连程度进行关注,降低患者的手术并发症。
      Objective: To study the postoperative complications and related factors of Lichtenstein in treatment of recurrent inguinal hernia in the elderly. Methods: in this study, 120 elderly patients with recurrent inguinal hernia who were hospitalized in our hospital from January 2018 to December 2020 were taken as the research objects; The above patients were randomly divided into observation group (n=62, Lichtenstein flat plate hernia repair) and control group (n=58 Rutkow tension-free hernia repair).The perioperative indexes and postoperative complications of the two groups were compared, and the influencing factors of complications were analyzed. Results: the hospital stay,operative time, postoperative pain duration and postoperative bed time in the observation group were significantly lower(P<0.05); postoperative urinary retention, wound infection, scrotal hematoma and pain in the observation group were significantly lower(P < 0.05); the difference between the patients with different body mass index, disease classification, hernia size and the degree of adhesion of the hernia ring was significantly lower (P<0.05). Conclusion: Lichtenstein is effective in treatment of recurrent inguinal hernia in the elderly with less complications. It is suggested to pay attention to the patients" body mass index, disease classification, the size of hernia sac and the degree of adhesion of hernia ring during the operation, so as to reduce the complications of the operation.
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