Meta Analysis of Clinical effect of Acupoint Application of traditional Chinese Medicine in the treatment of Primary dysmenorrhea
投稿时间:2019-11-25  修订日期:2019-12-02
中文关键词: 穴位贴敷、原发性痛经、meta分析
英文关键词: Acupoint  application, primary  dysmenorrhea, meta  analysis
梁春云 南京中医药大学 江苏南京 18889405163@163.com 
于红娟* 南京中医药大学附属南京中医院 江苏南京 15805180681@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 684
全文下载次数: 190
      目的:系统评价中药穴位贴敷治疗原发性痛经的有效性和安全性。方法:检索中国知网(CNKI)、万方数据库、维普全文数据库(VIP)、Web of Science数据库、PubMed数据库,检索有关使用中药穴位贴敷治疗原发性痛经的临床随机对照试验(RCT)文献,检索时限均为建库至2019年10月,应用RevMan5.3统计软件进行荟萃分析。结果:共纳入14篇符合条件的文献,共涉及患者1165例,其中观察组605例,对照组560例,meta分析结果显示:在总有效率方面,使用中药穴位敷贴敷疗效优于对照组[OR值为5.15,95%的CI为(3.57,7.44),P<0.00001];在中医症候评分方面,中药穴位贴敷能更好的缓解中医临床症状[MD=-2.75,95%的CI(-3.47,-2.03),P<0.0001];在疼痛视觉模拟评分(VAS评分)方面,穴位贴敷相比药物治疗更能有效缓解疼痛[MD=-4.07,95%CI(-6.05,-2.09),P=<0.0001];在血浆PGF2α、PGE2 水平方面,中药穴位贴敷相比药物治疗降低血浆PGF2α[MD=-9.63,95%CI(-10.41,-8.86),P<0.0001]和降低血浆PGE2[MD=3.96,95%CI(1.49,6.43),P=0.002]更为明显。结论:中药穴位贴敷治疗原发性痛经的临床效果较好,值得借鉴。
      objective: to systematically evaluate the efficacy and safety of acupoint application with traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea. Methods: search database including CNKI, Wanfang database, VIP, Web of Science and PubMed to find literature about randomized clinical trials(RCTs) on the treatment of acupoint application.The retrieval time was from the establishment of the database to October 2019. Meta-analysis was carried out by RevMan5.3 statistical software. Results: a total of 14 eligible literatures were included. There were 1165 patients, including 605 in the observation group and 560 in the control group. The results of meta analysis showed that the curative effect of acupoint application with traditional Chinese medicine was better than that of the control group [OR = 5.15, 95% CI was 3.57, 7.44), P < 0.00001]. In terms of TCM syndrome score, acupoint application with traditional Chinese medicine could better alleviate the clinical symptoms of drugs [MD=-2.75,95% CI (- 3.47, ≤ 2.03), P < 0.0001]. In the visual analog score of pain (VAS score), acupoint application is more effective than drug therapy in terms of relief pain [MD=-4.07,95%CI (- 6.05, ≤ 2.09), P = 0.0001].In terms of plasma PGF2αand PGE2 levels, acupoint application with traditional Chinese medicine decreased plasma PGF2α[MD=-9.63,95%CI (- 10.41, ≤ 8.86), P < 0.0001] and plasma PGE2 [MD=3.96,95%CI (1.49, 6.43), P ≤ 0.002] is more obvious. Conclusion: The clinical effect of acupoint application with traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea is more effective and worthy of reference.
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