Clinical study of manipulation reduction and adjustable external fixation in the treatment of the fifth metacarpal neck fracture
投稿时间:2018-10-20  修订日期:2018-11-06
中文关键词: 第5掌骨颈骨折  可调式外固定支具 功能恢复
英文关键词: fifth  metacarpal neck  fracture adjustable  external fixation  functional recovery
基金项目:(项目编号:145RJZA139) 魏国俊 雷宁波 邢 涛 徐玉德
王志勇* 甘肃省中医院整复骨科 dr_arvin@126.com 
董林 甘肃省中医院整复骨科  
丁玉芬 甘肃省中医院  
雷宁波 甘肃省中医院整复骨科  
邢涛 甘肃省中医院整复骨科  
徐玉德 甘肃省中医院整复骨科  
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全文下载次数: 261
      目的 探讨可调式外固定支具固定第5掌骨颈骨折的可行性及有效性。方法 2014年1月-2017年6月因第5掌骨颈骨折来我院就诊的54例患者随机分为A(n=27)B(n=27)两组, A组行闭合复位交叉克氏针固定,B组行闭合复位可调式外固定支具固定,末次随访测量患者第5掌指关节活动度及主观满意度。结果 54例患者获得4~10 (5.4±2.6) 个月随访,两组患者第5掌指关节ROM值比较,P>0.05,数据差异无统计学意义,两组患者治疗后关节活动恢复效果相当;两组主观满意度比较,p>0.05,差异无统计学意义,治疗后患者主观满意度无显著差异。结论 可调式外固定支具可提供第5掌骨颈骨折可靠、有效的固定以及早期的功能恢复,可作为一种行之有效的治疗方法临床推广应用。
      Objective to explore the treatment of the fifth metacarpal neck fracture with adjustable external fixation braces. Methods 54 patients of the fifth metacarpal neck fracture from January 2014 to June 2017 were randomly divided into two groups: A (n=27) B (n=27). Group A was treated with closed reduction and cross kirschner wire fixation; group B was treated with closed reduction adjustable external fixation braces. Results 54 patients were followed up for 4 to 10 (5.4±2.6) months. The ROM values of the fifth metacarpophalangeal joint of the two groups were compared, P > 0.05 has no statistically significant .The two groups were compared with each other in subjective satisfaction, p > 0.05, there was no significant difference in patients" subjective satisfaction after treatment .Conclusion adjustable external fixation braces can provide reliable, effective fixation and early functional recovery of the 5th metacarpal neck fracture, and can be used as an effective treatment method in clinical application.
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