Clinical Effect of Sijunzi Decoction in Treating Senile Cataract with deficiency of spleen-qi
投稿时间:2018-08-29  修订日期:2018-08-29
中文关键词: 四君子汤,老年性白内障,脾气虚弱
英文关键词: Senile cataract  Sijunzi Decoction  deficiency of spleen-qi
胡艳红* 福建中医药大学附属第二人民医院 12212022@163.com 
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      目的 观察四君子汤对脾气虚弱型老年性白内障患者的临床疗效。方法 将符合纳入标准的60例120眼脾气虚弱型老年性白内障患者随机分为四君子汤组30例60眼和吡诺克辛组30例60眼。四君子汤组予口服四君子汤颗粒剂治疗,每次1包,150ml温水冲泡,早晚饭后温服;吡诺克辛组予吡诺克辛钠滴眼液点眼,点双眼,每次1滴,1日3次,疗程均为3个月。 比较治疗前和治疗3个月后患者的视力、晶状体混浊程度及中医证候疗效积分评定临床疗效。结果 两组患者治疗后均较治疗前最佳矫正视力有所提高,且治疗后四君子汤组最佳矫正视力较吡诺克辛组提高更显著(P<0.05);两组患者治疗后晶状体混浊程度均较治疗前减轻,且治疗后四君子汤组晶体混浊程度较吡诺克辛组减轻更显著(P<0.05);两组患者治疗后中医证候疗效积分比较:吡诺克辛组30例患者中显效为0例,有效为14例,无效16例,有效率46.67%,四君子汤组30例患者中显效13例,有效为15例,无效2例,占总数的93.33%,两组患者中医证候疗效积分比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 四君子汤可提高脾气虚弱型老年性白内障患者最佳矫正视力、减轻患者的晶状体混浊程度、改善患者中医症候,对脾气虚弱型老年性白内障患者有一定的临床疗效,值得临床推广应用。
      Objective To observe the clinical effect of Sijunzi decoction in tresting senile cataract patients with deficiency of spleen-qi .Methods 120 eyes of 60 senile cataract patients with deficiency of spleen-qi were divided into two groups randomly.Which was treated with Oral Sijunzi Decoction granules, 1 pack each time, twice a day,was performed in 60 eyes of Sijunzi decoction group,and treated with pinokexin sodium eye drops and binocular drops, 3 times a day,in 60 eyes of Piinocline group.The course of all treatment was 3 months.At 1 day before treatment and 3 months after treatment,the visual acuity, lens opacity and TCM syndromes were performed ,the acquired indexs were statistic analyzed.Results After treatment, the best corrected visual acuity and degree of lens opacity were improved in both groups.And they all of the Sijunzi decoction more significant than that of the pironoxine group,and the differences were statistically significant(all P<0.05).Comparison of TCM syndromes and syndromes between the two groups: in Pinokexin group, there were 0 cases of marked effect, 14 cases of effective effect, 16 cases of ineffective, and 46.6767% of effective rate. In Sijunzi decoction group, there were 13 cases of marked effect, 15 cases of effective and 2 cases of ineffectiveness. The difference of TCM syndromes between the two groups was statistically significant (P < 0.05).ConclusionSijunzi decoction can improve the best corrected visual acuity,the symptoms of TCM, of senile cataract with deficiency of spleen qi , reduce the degree of lens opacity, and have certain clinical curative effect on senile cataract with deficiency of spleen qi. It is worth popularizing and applying in clinic.
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