Xiaobi decoction has effect on pathologic changes of rat psoriasis-like skin lesions expression HU Wen-tao,JIA Min,SHI Hui
投稿时间:2017-05-03  修订日期:2017-05-13
中文关键词: 银屑病  消疕汤  阿维A胶囊
英文关键词: : Psoriasis  Xiaobi decoction  Acitretin capsules
胡文韬 贵阳中医学院第一附属医院 281780920@qq.com 
贾敏* 贵阳中医学院第一附属医院 281780920@qq.com 
石惠 贵阳中医学院第一附属医院  
摘要点击次数: 827
全文下载次数: 385
      Objective : To treat rats with induced psoriasis-like skin lesions so as to confirm that Xiaobi decoction has effect on pathologic changes of rat psoriasis-like skin lesions expression, thus providing an experimental basis for the clinical application of Xiaobi decoction.Methods : 1.Fifty SD rats with half males and half females were randomly divided into five groups,namely the blank group, the modeling group,the control group after modeling,the Xiaobi decoction group and the acitretin capsule group.Propranolol emulsion was applied on the auricle skin of two ears in all rats in four groups except for the blank group,where rats were fed normally.After two weeks,the auricle skins of two ears of rats in the modeling group were collected,and the following observation of pathologic changes under microscope showed obvious psoriasis-like skin lesions,indicating that the modeling succeeded. 2.After success of modeling,rats in the Xiaobi decoction group and the acitretin capsule group were treated with intragastric administration of corresponding drugs respectively.The auricle skin tissues of two ears of rats of each group were collected,sectioned,and stained by HE to observe their pathological differences.3.The sections of each group were scored using Baker scoring and analyzed statistically.
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