Clinical application of super-thin perforator flaps after expansion in the reconstruction of the defect after cutting off the facial and cervical benign tumor
投稿时间:2017-01-12  修订日期:2017-02-04
中文关键词: 软组织扩张术  超薄穿支皮瓣  良性肿瘤
英文关键词: Soft tissue expansion  super-thin perforator flaps  benign tumor
杨红华 南昌大学第一附属医院 654740884@QQ.COM 
陶剑 南昌大学附属眼科医院整形美容科 南昌  
李文芳 温州和平整形医院 温州  
王芳* 南昌大学附属眼科医院整形美容科 南昌 654740884@qq.com 
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      目的 探讨扩张超薄穿支皮瓣在面颈部体表良性肿瘤切除术后缺损修复中的应用。 方法 一期术前就用多普勒超声血流探测仪定位血管的部位及走行,于前胸部皮肤全层下埋置扩张器,二期切除面颈部巨大肿瘤,以穿支血管为蒂设计扩张超薄皮瓣以修复面颈部巨大肿瘤术后缺损,供区一期闭合。 结果 2011年1月至2014年12月期间对12例面颈部面颈部良性肿瘤切除术后缺损以前胸部扩张超薄穿支皮瓣修复,11例皮瓣完全存活,其中1例末端血运障碍,经处理后皮瓣均存活良好。转移皮瓣大小24cm×16cm-8cm×9cm。术后随访6个月,皮瓣颜色接近正常皮肤,感觉良好,面部表情自如。 结论 此超薄扩张穿支皮瓣血运良好、厚薄适中,是面颈部良性肿瘤切除术后缺损修复的理想方法,值得临床推广。
      0bjective To investigate ideal methods to repair the defect after cutting off the facial and cervical benign tumor. Methods In the first stage,the position and course of the perforators were confirmed with color Doppler ultrasound.The expanders were implanted below the whole skin that below the clavicle.In the second stage,cut off the facial and cervical benign tumor,the expanded super—thin perforator flaps were transferred to resurface the extensive defects,The defects at donor sites were closed in the first stage. Results 12 cases with benign tumor were included in this study between January 2011 to December 2014.Except for one case with necrosis at the distal end,the other 11 flaps survived completely.The flap size was 24cm×16cm to 8cm×9cm.Six months follow-up showed that the color of this combined application is close to the normal skin, be Feel good, and expression freely. Conclusions The combined application of tissue expansion,perforator flaps and super—thin flaps is a practical method of the reconstruction of the defect after cutting off the facial and cervical benign tumor,which has good flow and thickness,worthy of clinical promotion.
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