贺海潮 时雅辉 时少杰.脊髓亚急性联合变性不同病程的临床表现和脊髓MRI检查结果的对照研究[J].实用中西医结合临床,2017,17(1):3-5
A Comparative Study of Clinical Manifestations and MRI Findings of Subacute Combined Degeneration of Spinal Cord at Different Stages of the Disease
中文关键词: 脊髓亚急性联合变性  MRI检查  治愈率  临床表现
英文关键词: Subacute Combined Degeneration of Spinal Cord (SCD)  MRI Examination  Cure Rate  Clinical Manifestation
贺海潮 时雅辉 时少杰 河南省新郑市中医院放射介入科河南省人民医院 
摘要点击次数: 1096
全文下载次数: 472
      Objective: To observe and compare the clinical manifestations and MRI findings of subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord (SCD) at different stages of the disease. Methods: From January 2013 to June 2016, according to the different stages of disease,96 cases of SCD patients in our hospital were divided into the stage of the disease <3 m group with 62 cases and the stage of the disease >3 m group with 34 cases, compared the clinical manifestations and MRI findings of the two groups at different stages of the disease. Results: Compared the first symptom of the two groups, there was no statistically significant differences, P>0.05; the difference of disorder rate between the two groups was statistically significant, P<0.05; and compared the peripheral nerve sensory abnormalities and sensory level and other signs of the two groups, the difference was statistically significant, P<0.05. Compared MRI examination of the incidence of lesions of the two groups, the difference was statistically significant, P<0.05; and after the treatment for six months, the difference between the cure rate of MRI review was statistically significant, P<0.05. Conclusion: In the early course of SCD, MRI examination is more likely to be found, so it is easier to cure. In the late stage of the disease, the clinical manifestations such as urine and stool obstruction, abnormal peripheral sensation and plane sense perception may occur easier.
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