Comparison of the effect of air disinfection and ultraviolet disinfection in the delivery room of basic level hospital He Mingsheng 1 Zhou Huanhuan 1 Liang Taohua 1 Yuyulin 2 liang Lei 3 Xiushui County Maternal and Child Health Hospital Jiangxi 332430 china
投稿时间:2016-09-27  修订日期:2016-10-31
中文关键词: 空气污染  产房  可吸入颗粒物  微生物
英文关键词: air pollution  delivery room  particulate matter  microorganism
何明生* 江西省修水县妇幼保健院 修水 452460520@qq.com 
周欢欢 江西省修水县妇幼保健院 修水  
梁桃花 江西省修水县妇幼保健院 修水  
余于林 江西省修水县疾病控制中心 修水  
何磊 湖南师范大学树达学院 湖南长沙  
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全文下载次数: 432
      目的 本课题旨在比较基层乡镇卫生院产房应用空气消毒器和紫外线灯管消毒的消毒效果,提出及寻找基层乡镇卫生院产房内空气净化的有效方法和途径。方法 选取基层乡镇卫生院40间产房,按日期的单双号随机分为试验组20间产房,采用空气消毒器进行空气消毒:对照组20间产房采用紫外线灯消毒。两组消毒时间段为8:30-11:00。净化消毒后立即采用通过PM2.5尘埃计数测试仪对试验组和对照组产房空气中可吸入颗粒物(PM2.5)进行测试,利用空气细菌平皿琼脂培养基静态沉降培养方法监测空气菌落计数。可吸入颗粒物(PM2.5)浓度及检测到的菌落计数进行统计学分析。结果 检测结果显示:使用空气消毒器进行消毒后产房空气中可吸入颗粒物的浓度和微生物菌落计数和使用紫外线灯消毒比较两者无显著差异。结论:应用空气消毒器进行产房空气消毒能和紫外线空气消毒起到同样的消毒效果。而空气消毒器有移动方便,简洁,反复使用,经济的优点,便于推广应用。
      Objective The purpose of this study is to compare the disinfection effect of township health hospital delivery room application air sterilizer and ultraviolet lamp disinfection, put forward and find out the effective methods and ways of grassroots township hospital delivery room air purification. Methods 40 grassroots township hospital delivery room, according to the date of randomly divided into experimental group of 20 delivery room, using air disinfector for air disinfection in delivery room: 20 in the control group using ultraviolet light disinfection. Two groups of disinfection time for china. Immediately after purification and disinfection by PM2.5 dust count tester on the test group and the control group of the delivery room in the air of respirable particulate matter (PM2.5) test, medium static settlement culture method of air monitoring using air bacterial colony count agar. Statistical analysis of the number of particles and the detection of colony count. Results The results showed that the concentration of airborne particulate matter in the air after disinfection by using air disinfection apparatus and the microbial colony count and the use of ultraviolet lamp disinfection showed no significant difference between the two groups. Conclusion the application of air disinfection device for delivery room air disinfection and ultraviolet disinfection can play the same disinfection effect. The air disinfection device has the advantages of easy to move, simple, repeated use, economic advantages, easy to popularize and apply.
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