White mulberry fumigation combined with clinical research for the treatment of patellar bursitis under polarized infrared
投稿时间:2016-05-01  修订日期:2016-05-16
中文关键词: 髌骨滑囊炎、白桑叶、中药熏洗、红外偏振光、HAQ、VAS
英文关键词: patellar  bursitis, white  mulberry leaves, herbal  fumigation, HAQ, VAS, polarized  infrared
孔海军 新疆师范大学体育学院 konghaijun1992@163.com 
黄玲 济南艾迪康医学检验中心 1057033469@qq.com 
王凤华* 新疆师范大学体育学院 2586054585@qq.com 
摘要点击次数: 901
全文下载次数: 382
      Objective: Study of white mulberry leaves smoked wash combined with polarized infrared light irradiation in the treatment of patellar bursitis observed and analyzed the treatment effect. Research methods: through two courses (each course of 8 weeks) experimental group of 53 patients with prepatellar bursitis were randomly divided into experimental group and control group. Experimental group of 30 patients, the average age of 38.21 7.8; control group of 23 patients, 37.48 6.2. Experimental group subjected to 8 weeks of white mulberry leaf fumigation plus infrared polarized light irradiation treatment, once a day; control group for a period of 8 weeks of white mulberry leaf fumigation treatment, smoked wash treatment method as experimental group. Results: treatment group, the total efficiency reaches 89.2% (P < 0.01), far higher than the 60.1% of the control group, the treatment group HAQ value was significantly lower than that of the control group (P < 0.01), the VAS score was significantly higher than that of the control group (P < 0.05), femoral quadriceps muscle strength of knee joint activity is significantly better than the control group. Conclusion: white mulberry fumigation combined with polarized infrared irradiation in the treatment of patellar bursitis has good effect.
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