毛敬洁 李钻芳 林如辉 卓沛元 张颖铮.APP/PSl双转基因阿尔海默病小鼠的繁殖及基因型鉴定[J].实用中西医结合临床,2015,15(10):4-6 |
APP/PSl双转基因阿尔海默病小鼠的繁殖及基因型鉴定 |
Reproduction and Genetype Identification of APP/PS1 Double Transgenic Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse Model |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 阿尔海默病 APP/PS1双转基因 基因型 |
英文关键词: Alzheimer’s disease APP/PS1 double transgenic Genetype |
基金项目:福建省自然科学基金资助项目(编号:2013J01378) |
摘要点击次数: 3527 |
全文下载次数: 3175 |
中文摘要: |
目的:繁殖和基因鉴定APP/PS1双转基因阿尔海默病(AD)小鼠。方法:将雄性纯合子APP/PS1双转基因AD小鼠与阴性纯合子(野生型)雌鼠进行交配。PCR鉴定APP/PS1双转基因AD传代小鼠的基因表型。结果:50只APP/PS1双转基因AD传代小鼠基因组DNA中31只小鼠基因组DNA扩增出300 bp的APP条带和600 bP的PS1条带。APP/PS1双转基因AD小鼠的饲养和繁殖获得成功,获得了较多的成功转入APP/PS1基因的纯合子小鼠。结论:正确饲养繁殖及利用PCR对AD模型鼠的繁殖小鼠进行基因鉴定,是有效获得APP/PS1双转基因纯合子小鼠的有效途径,为临床更好的研究认知障碍提供有效的AD动物模型。 |
英文摘要: |
Objective: To breed and identify the genetype of APP/PS1 double transgenic Alzheimer’s disease(AD)mouse model. Methods: The male homozygous APP/PS1 double transgenic AD mice mated with negative homozygous (wild type) female mice and the genetic phenotypes were identified by PCR in APP/PS1 double transgenic AD passaged mice. Results: There were 31 mice were identified APP/PS1 double transgenic AD mouse by PCR in 50, and it was about 300 bp size APP genome DNA detected, and 600 bp size PS1 genome DNA detected. The methods of feeding and breeding were successful and more homozygote baby mice with APP/PS1 double transgenic mouse were attained. Conclusion: The appropriate methods of feeding and breeding and the identification of PCR are the effective ways to acquire homozygote baby mice with APP/PS1 transgenic mouse. It provides the effective AD animal models for clinical research. |
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