Effects of Shengjiyuyang particles combined with Omeprazole on healing quality and recurrence rate of gerontal peptic ulcer
投稿时间:2015-08-17  修订日期:2015-09-09
中文关键词: 生肌愈疡颗粒  老年性消化性溃疡  溃疡愈合质量
英文关键词: Shengjiyuyang particles  gerontal peptic ulcer  Quality of ulcer healing
季永胜* 江苏省启东市中医院消化内科 jyswwyk@126.com 
李譞 江苏省启东市中医院消化内科  
陈祖平 江苏省启东市中医院消化内科  
张海燕 江苏省启东市中医院消化内科  
黄周红 江苏省启东市中医院消化内科  
徐捷 江苏省启东市中医院消化内科  
黄瑞彬 江苏省启东市中医院消化内科  
摘要点击次数: 937
全文下载次数: 473
      【】Objective To observe the effects of Shengjiyuyang particles combined with Omeprazole on healing quality and recurrence rate of gerontal peptic ulcer. Methods Eighty old patients with peptic ulcer were selected and randomly divided into observation group(forty patients) and control group(forty patients). Patients in the observation group were treated with Shengjiyuyang particles combined with Omeprazole, patients in the control group received alone Omeprazole. Two groups of patients with helicobacter pylori were first given the triple therapy for 10 days, after then, followed with the prescriptive treatment. Two groups of patients were treated six weeks for a course of treatment. Gastroscopy was performed before and after treatment to assess the status of HP eradicating and the endoscopic and histological maturity of regenerated mucosa. Patients with ulcer healed were followed up for 6 months and 1 year to observe the condition of recurrence. Results After the treatment, the percentage of Sc phase maturity and excellent histological maturity of regenerated mucosa obtained in the observation group was 75.0% and 82.5%, respectively in the control group was 42.5% and 40.0%, difference is statistically significant(p<0.05). The Hp eradication rate in the observation group was 88.0%,significantly higher than the control group was 60.7%, statistically significant difference (p < 0.05). The recurrence rate in one year in the observation group was 5.3%,significantly lower than the control group was 25.8%, statistically significant difference (p < 0.05). Conclusion Shengjiyuyang particles combined with Omeprazole can improve the quality of ulcer healing and reduce the recurrence rate in the old patients, and is worth promoting in clinic.
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