吴克欣 郭育辉 夏平.CT立体定向微创血肿抽吸术治疗高龄高血压脑出血疗效及安全性评价[J].实用中西医结合临床,2014,14(10):3-5
Safty and Efficacy Evaluation on CT Stereotactic Minimally Invasive Hematoma Aspiration for Elderly Patients with Hypertensive Cerebral Hemorrhage
中文关键词: 高血压脑出血  高龄  微创颅内血肿抽吸术  立体定向
英文关键词: Hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage  Elderly patients  Intracranial hematoma microinvasive craniopuncture scavenging technique  Stereotactic
吴克欣 郭育辉 夏平 新疆伊宁市伊犁州友谊医院神经外科 
摘要点击次数: 738
全文下载次数: 336
      Objective: To evaluate and analyze the effect and safety of CT stereotactic minimally invasive intracranial hematoma aspiration in treatment of elderly patients with hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage. Methods: From January 2013 to March 2014, 56 Elderly patients with hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage were selected and ramdomly divided into two groups, treatment group and control group, each consisting of 28 patients. Patients in the control group had CT scan and their cerebral hematomas were located under anesthetized condition. Later, they were given cranial drilling and needle hematoma aspiration. Patients in the treatment group were given CT scan and their hematomas located, later they were given CT-guided stereotactic anesthesia for cerebral drilling and needle hematoma aspiration. Results: All patients in the treatment group were safe during the operation and their healthy cerebral tissue witnessed less damage. There were also fewer cases of complication after the operation and the success rate stood high. Conclusion: The effect of CT stereotactic minimally invasive hematoma aspiration in the treatment of hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage is both safer and more effective. The treatment causes less damage in cerebral tissue and is worth of further clinical study with more patients involved.
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