赖丽芳 杨水秀.南昌市社区中老年女性骨质疏松症患者的护理管理[J].实用中西医结合临床,2014,14(9):67-68
Nursing Supervision on Middle-age and Elderly Female Patients with Osteoporosis in Nanchang Communities
中文关键词: 骨质疏松症  中老年女性  护理管理
英文关键词: Osteoporosis  Elderly female patients  Nursing supervision
赖丽芳 杨水秀 江西省人民医院 
摘要点击次数: 541
全文下载次数: 304
      objective: To explore the effect of nursing supervision on elderly female patients with osteoporosis in Nanchang communities. Methods: 60 Senior or middle-aged female patients with osteoporosis in Yuzhang community were selected and divided into observation group and control group, each consisting of 30 patients. Patients who could not afford nurse supervision or were less compliant were put in the control group and no intervention was imposed on the patients. Patients in the observation group were put under comprehensive nursing supervision and the effect was evaluated. Results: After 2 years, cases of physical pain, spine deformation and bone fracture witnessed in patients in the observation group were fewer than those in the control group, and by comparison, there was a significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05). BMD of the patients in the observation group had a significant difference after the beginning of the nursing supervision (P<0.05), BMD of patients in the control group did not show significant difference (P>0.05). Conclusion: Effective nursing supervision is helpful to middle-aged and elderly female patients with osteoporosis. It slows the worsening of symptoms,reduces complications and improves health condition of the patients.
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