曾娟琴 韩斌德 胡欣春 邬海 边泽源.尿道注入碘伏消毒减少导尿管相关性尿路感染的临床观察[J].实用中西医结合临床,2012,(1):11-12
中文关键词: 碘伏  导尿管相关性尿路感染  细菌培养
英文关键词: Povidone-iodine  Catheter-associated urinary tract infections  Microbial culture
曾娟琴 韩斌德 胡欣春 邬海 边泽源 江西省胸科医院 
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      目的:探讨导尿时应用尿道注入碘伏消毒减少导尿管相关性尿路感染的作用。方法:196例术前需留置导尿的患者随机分为两组,对照组98例,行常规尿道外口及其周围器官皮肤消毒,按常规无菌操作技术行导尿。试验组98例,在常规消毒的基础上,加用注射器从尿道外口注入0.5%碘伏行全尿道消毒,余操作同对照组。两组均定期留取尿液标本做细菌培养及尿常规检查。结果:第5、7、10天试验组尿路感染阳性率分别为2.27%、7.69%和22.73%,明显低于对照组10.11%、25.49和66.67%,两者差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。而留置导尿管第2、13、16天(包括>16 d)的尿路感染阳性率结果两组差异无显著性(P >0.05)。结论:尿道注入碘伏消毒对减少早期导尿管相关性尿路感染是一种简便有效的方法。
      Objective:To explore the effect of disinfecting the whole uretheral using povidone-iodine for reducing the catheter-associated urinary tract infections.Methods:196 Cases who needed for indwelling urethral catheters were divided into two groups randomly.98 cases were as the test group, and the others 98 cases were as the control group.Urinary catheters were inserted in the control group who received the disinfection of external orifice of urethra and its surrounding skin according to routine aseptic technique protocol,while the test group received the extra-disinfection of the whole uretheral using povidone-iodine besides routine aseptic technique protocol before urinary catheters were inserted.Urinary specimen were taken out regularly from two groups respectively for urine routine examination and microbial culture.Resules:The positive rate of UTI was 2.27%、7.69% and 22.73% respectively in the test group,which were obviously lower than the control group whose positive rate was 10.11%、25.49% and 66.67% respectively after the fifth 、the seventh and the tenth day.There was a statistic significant difference between two groups(P<0.05).While there was no statistic significant difference between two groups after the secondary、the thirteenth and the sixteenth day.Conclusions:Disinfecting the whole uretheral using povidone-iodine is a simple and valid method to prevent earlier stage catheter-associated urinary tract infections.
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