熊墨年 唐晓玲 耿蕾 方丹 陈轩.肿瘤患者情志失调的中医非药物干预临床研究[J].实用中西医结合临床,2007,(6):1-3
中文关键词: 恶性肿瘤  情志失调  三元逆转法  免疫功能
英文关键词: Tumor  emotion  san yuan ni zhuan fa  immunity
熊墨年 唐晓玲 耿蕾 方丹 陈轩 江西省中医药研究院 
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      目的:观察中医非药物疗法-三元逆转法对肿瘤患者情志失调的治疗作用。方法:采用中医非药物疗法-三元逆转法(心理处方、郭林气功、群体康复活动)配合抗肿瘤治疗(常规放化疗或生物治疗),观察了94例肿瘤患者汉密顿抑郁量表(HAMD)、生活质量评分(QOL)及T淋巴细胞亚群(免疫组化法) 、自然杀伤(NK) 细胞抗肿瘤活性测定(NAG法) 等指标的变化。结果:(1)HAMD:治疗组睡眠不深、早醒、工作和兴趣、全身症状、疑病、自卑感等症状均有改善(P <0.05),忧郁情绪、入睡困难、精神性焦虑、躯体性焦虑、能力减退感、绝望感等有显著改善(P <0.01);对照组只有工作和兴趣、疑病有所改善(P <0.05)。(2)QOL:值治疗组治疗前为(44.2±8.7),治疗后为(59.2±9.6)(P <0.05);对照组分别为(43.3±10.5)、(40.3±8.3)(P >0.05)。(3)T淋巴细胞亚群:治疗组治疗后的CD3、CD4、CD8、CD4/CD8较治疗前有明显升高(P <0.05),而对照组则无明显变化(P >0.05)。(4)NK细胞活性:治疗组治疗前后比较,差异无显著性(P >0.05);对照组治疗前后比较,NK细胞活性下降,差异有显著性(P <0.05)。结论:中医非药物疗法-三元逆转法能够调节肿瘤患者情绪,优化情感效应,改善躯体症状,增强免疫功能,调动体内积极因素,提高机体的自我调解力,是行之有效的治疗方法之一。
      Objective: To observe the clinical effect of traditional Chinese no-herbal medicine “san yuan ni zhuan fa”therapy in treating tumor patients with feeling maladjustment. Methods: “san yuan ni zhuan fa” combined with anti-tumor drugs , including chemotherapy, actinotheraphy, and biology-therapeutics, was given to 48 tumor patients according to syndrome differentiation to observe the change of Hamilton rating scale for depression (HAMD) and T lymphocyte subsets (immuno-histochemical assay), NK cell anti-tumor activity (NAG method), etc. while 46 caces didn’t receive “san yuan ni zhuan fa” therapy were taken as the control group. Results: (1)The scale marks of HAMD in the treated group revealed some improvement in insomnia, early awakening, daily work and interest, systemic symptoms, hypochondriasis and inferiority complex (P <0.05), and significant improvement in depression, difficulty in falling asleep, psychiatric anxiety, somatic anxiety, ability-letdown and despair feel(P <0.01); while in the control group, only work interest and hypochondriasis had some improvement (P <0.05).(2)Before and after the treatment QOL of the former was respectively(44.2±8.7), (59.2±9.6)(P <0.05), while QOL of the Latter was(43.3±10.5),(40.3±8.3)(P >0.05).(3)T lymphocytes CD3,CD4,CD8,CD4/CD8 percent was improved in treated groups after treatment (P <0.05); while in the control group they didn't change obviously (P >0.05).(4)As for NK cell anti-tumor activity in the treated group before and after treatment, it was not significantly lowered (P >0.05); while in the control group the lowering after treatment was significant (P <0.05). Conclusion: “san yuan ni zhuan fa” therapy could regulate the emotion of tumor patient, optimize the emotional effect, improve the somatic symptoms, enhance the immune function, motivate the active principle and raise the self-regulating power in the body.
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